It is not news that there is one APP that has captured my attention. This week is its official 2015 launch - The Entertainer: Cape Town is available again to save at 300 plus merchants. Get yours here for R345 once-off and trust me, you will not regret it - one or two uses and you have saved at least this amount, making the rest of your year - pure savings.

Wait! There is more. On Wednesday I am attending the launch of 2015's version and I would love to take one of my @CapeTown followers with me. Of course, you will also get your own APP as GIFT (Value R345) and have the joy of spending time at one of the many! Entertainer-friendly venues in V&A Waterfront. The Waterfront's offical site describes it as one of its best restaurants :)))
Want to be the Lucky Follower? It will be at the discretion of the curator and organisers, but requirements to be considered it easy-peezy:
1. Share this Blog Post on Social Media (FB and/or Twitter)
2. Follow @EntertainerZA
3. ReTweet any tweet tagged #EntertainerZA or #Entertainer241 or create your Own
Looking forward to hear from you! Let's play in the City!
And then of course, there is the BIGGER competition with Radio Station KFM to win an experience in Cape Town valued R4000!: Just go Here for Details.

More about The Entertainer:
Enjoy hundreds of 2 for 1 offers for the best attractions, restaurants, leisure, beauty and more. Buy your Entertainer Cape Town Book or App online today. Visit the to learn more or follow them on twitter @entertainerZA
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