I am on a bit of a mission to find and feature bloggers from South Africa (and specifically, (but not only) in Cape Town - not only the influential, popular ones that we all respect, but also the niche bloggers that write about such interesting of topics. These bloggers deserve our attention and opinions...

So I have an autoDM going for all new followers @CapeTown to point them towards the survey for bloggers. Yes, Yes I know all about how terrible DMs are according to almost all -in-the-know, but in my experience I have only had good come from DMs.
Click for the survey if you are a blogger, or know one :-)
If you are able to assist me, let me know. I have already started with the featuring of some bloggers via the amazing Medium publishing site. Thanks!
I am embedding the site below:
<script async src="https://static.medium.com/embed.js"></script><a class="m-story" data-collapsed="true" href="https://medium.com/@CapeTown/8e24b30aa706">Update South Africa</a>